Kidnapped by the Gentleman Read online

Page 4

  “Shut up.” Lucifer led the way, hauling me behind him. We went past the room I’d been locked in and up the stairs to the deck.

  Daylight! Blessed, wonderful daylight!

  I inhaled the sea air and felt it fill my lungs. The sky was cerulean and there were only the smallest, fluffiest of white clouds up there.

  I stumbled over my feet as Lucifer yanked me through a door and into what had to be his own cabin. The only one that opened out onto the main deck. He threw me bodily inside and I stumbled and fell flat on my face. I rolled over, hoping that there was more coming, some kind of punishment for having broken the rules. Some painful and pleasurable punishment.

  “Sit down and shut up. I’ll deal with you later,” he growled. Actually growled.

  He slammed the door shut and locked it from the outside.

  I glanced around the room. It was quite lush, with books and things. Not to mention a bed that actually looked comfortable. He hadn’t told me where to sit down and shut up, therefore it was up to me to decide.

  I dusted off my trousers and picked myself up off the floor. I might have a bruise on my shoulder from being thrown, but I could forgive the captain that. I had no way of knowing how long it’d be before he returned, so I settled on the bed.

  What had happened with Dante? And why was Lucifer so angry about it? It had seemed like more than just ‘you got out of your room’. I did hope he wasn’t punishing Marco.

  With nothing to do but wait, I let myself ponder what might happen when the captain returned.

  Chapter 7

  In which Captain Lucifer deals with various poor decisions

  Gabriel locked the door to his cabin - something he did so rarely he half worried the lock wouldn’t hold - and then stormed back down into the hold to talk to Dante. Or yell at him.

  Dante was much where Gabriel had left him. He had moved so he was sitting cross legged on the floor, his eyes closed. Meditating or mastering his urges or something like that.

  He opened his eyes when Gabriel stomped in and stopped in front of him, arms folded.


  “What do you expect me to say?” Dante asked, testily.

  “I thought you’d fed at Kingston,” Gabriel said. “How are we supposed to keep the boy safe if you can’t control your hunger?”

  “I did. I’m not hungry, not like that,” Dante got to his feet and squared his shoulders. This was gearing up to be a fight and he wanted to look Gabriel in the eye.

  “Well, it certainly looked like you were about to feed off him when I walked in,” Gabriel growled.

  “He practically thrust his neck in my mouth,” Dante said. “I can’t be held responsible. The boy is incorrigible, liable to fuck anything that moves as far as I can tell.”

  Gabriel snorted and raised an eyebrow. “I don’t care if he opens a vein in front of you, you’re not to feed off him. We return him to his family with scars on him, they’ll use all their political power to hunt us down.”

  “I know,” Dante snapped. “I’m aware.”

  “So get your blasted hunger under control.”

  Dante shoved his hands deep into his pockets, hunched his shoulders and looked down. When he spoke his voice was soft and more compliant. “Yes, Captain.”

  “I’ll keep him in my cabin from now on,” Gabriel said. “So you shouldn’t see him again anyway, certainly not alone.”

  Dante opened his mouth and then closed it without saying a word. Gabriel couldn’t stand when his friend and most trusted crew mate didn’t speak his mind, so although he was still annoyed, he prompted him.

  “Well? What do you want to say?”

  “There is something about him,” Dante said, his voice even quieter than it had been. “Something alluring.”

  “Because he was trying to fuck you,” Gabriel said. “And he’s handsome. Handsome and willing is a deadly combination.”

  “It felt like more than that somehow,” Dante said, almost wistfully. Then he shook his head. “Forget it. I understand, I’ll keep my distance. But, perhaps don’t be too hard on Marco? We’ve both seen, felt perhaps, the effect the boy can have.”

  Gabriel nodded. “I thought I’d just tell him to have a swim, think about what he’s done.”

  Dante nodded. “A fine idea.”

  “And if you get hungry before we make port again, for God’s sake say something to me, all right?”

  Dante rolled his eyes and nodded. “Yes, Captain, I’ll tell you. But it’s highly unlikely to happen.”

  “See that it doesn’t.”

  Gabriel went back up onto the deck, his shoulders a little less tense than they had been. Dante’s condition didn’t often complicate matters, but it did need to be taken into account sometimes.

  Marco was lingering near the main mast, shame-faced and looking downtrodden.

  In all honesty, Gabriel agreed with Dante - the boy was charismatic and there was something compelling about him. He didn’t really blame Marco for somehow letting him free. But he couldn’t commiserate or say he understood either. He was the Captain, and the rest of the crew had to see that there were consequences.

  “Marco,” he said, sharply. A little louder than necessary, so the others would hear. “Have you anything to say for yourself?”

  “No, Cap,” Marco said. He looked up, grimacing, expecting Gabriel to shout perhaps, or order the lash. Well, he was in luck today.

  “Good. You’re on dinner clean up for a week,” Gabriel said. “And go for a swim until sundown.”

  It was a punishment he couldn’t possibly give anyone else on the ship. But Marco nodded, knowing that as punishments went, it was a relatively kind one.

  “Yes, Captain.”

  “Think about what would have happened if the boy had jumped overboard, or hurt himself, or worse, got hold of a weapon and hurt one of us.”

  “Yes, Captain.” Marco dropped his eyes again and looked at his feet, but there was a nervous excitement to him now, which Gabriel recognised as an eagerness to return to the ocean.

  “Go on, then.”

  Marco went to the side of the ship, stripped off his shirt and his loose fitting striped trousers, revealing his somewhat stocky but well muscled and generously haired body.

  He climbed up on the side of the ship then shifted into otter form. He was a sea otter, around the size of a small labrador, with a pleasing countenance. He turned and blinked at Gabriel before diving overboard into the waters of the Caribbean.

  Gabriel, and much of the crew come to that, never tired of watching the transformation, and it wasn’t until the telltale splash that Gabriel cleared his throat and shouted again.

  “Back to work, lads!”

  The general business of the ship resumed. Gabriel took the helm to distract himself for a time.

  Once the watch had changed, Gabriel ate his dinner with a few of the other crew and took a plate of leftovers up to to his cabin.

  He unlocked the door with the key he’d hung from a chain around his neck and let himself in, being careful to lock the door behind him again.

  “I hope you’re ready to be reasonable,” Gabriel said. He was avoiding looking at Cedric, although he was aware he was on the bed - which was already setting an uncomfortable feeling in his stomach.

  Cedric cleared his throat, and Gabriel looked up to see him, sprawled on his side on the bed, propping his head up on one hand, one leg hitched up, and utterly naked. Gabriel very nearly dropped the tray of food he was carrying - only his preparatory school training prevented it.

  “I’m always reasonable,” Cedric said, as innocently as you please.

  Chapter 8

  In which an agreement is very carefully negotiated

  In all honesty, I was hungry. But I wanted to get this done first. I wanted to break this barrier that Captain Lucifer had put up. I didn’t just want to experience sex with a real life pirate, I wanted him to see that there was absolutely no problem with it.

  He didn’t seem to share
my perspective, but I was confident I could bring him around to my way of thinking.

  He carefully set the tray of food down on his desk and shook his head.

  “Put your clothes on, Cedric.”

  I didn’t move, but I watched his body - his large, trim but muscular form, encased in black. His boots stood high to his knees, cutlass at his hip. His blond hair pushed back from his face, and his eyes flashing blue as the ocean outside the window. Telltale swell of a bulge in his trousers, which I let my gaze linger on before smiling up at him.

  “I shan’t.”

  “You must.” He raked a hand through his hair, exasperated, and shook his head. “I’m the Captain of this ship, and I have kidnapped you. To do anything with you, anything at all is gross misuse of power. It’s not a balanced exchange, do you understand? I’d be taking advantage.”

  “You wouldn’t.” I sat up now, letting my legs fall apart nice and wide. I was rewarded when Lucifer’s eyes flicked down and then back up. His luscious lips parted.

  He’s definitely interested. He just has some kind of ethical objection.

  “Sweet as it is that you - a pirate who named himself after Satan - has a code of honour, I can assure you there’s no reason to be bashful with me. I’ve slept with … God knows how many people, men, women, undecided. I’ve taken it, I’ve given it, I’ve been entangled in several at once. I can assure you I’m sober and know exactly what I’m asking for.”

  Lucifer folded his arms and huffed out a sigh. “Cedric.”

  “And if it’s my Father you’re worried about, you have nothing to fear there, too. I’ve been lying to him as long as I can remember. I’ll tell him that you left me locked in the brig and that I’ve seen the error of my ways.” I licked my lips, I could see him wavering. I swallowed, I didn’t want to mess this up. “And besides, you said yourself I’ll be stuck in here with you and no one else, and I get so very lonely. Please? Lucifer, listen, I’m begging you.” I shuffled to the edge of the bed, braced my hands on the wooden base and looked up at him with my best ‘lost puppy in need’ expression.

  He sighed again, turned away so I couldn’t see his expression. His hand strayed down to his bulge and he seemed to rub it, or adjust himself somehow.

  “Eat your dinner,” he said. “I’ll be back shortly.” Then he left the cabin and locked the door behind him again.

  Disappointing, to be sure, but it wasn’t a refusal.

  A flare of hope in my stomach, I crossed to the tray. No cutlery on offer, but a pretty decent cheese scone, some slices of now cold pork and a bit of gravy. I shovelled it all in greedily.

  Dinner demolished, I washed my hands in a bowl of water and dried them off on a towel before settling back on the bed.

  Although I hoped that Lucifer would return soon, and with an enthusiastic assent, I idly stroked my own cock while I waited for him, my other hand tucked behind my head, and dreamed of Lucifer and Dante both.

  I heard the key in the lock and slowed my hand because, as disturbed as I was, I wanted him to catch me in the act. Perhaps I wanted to provoke something of a possessive reaction?

  I turned my head to look at him, delighting in the surprise in his expression, and indeed, at the glimpse of the rest of the ship behind him through the open door. The idea that some other member of the crew might see simply excited me more.

  “Cedric,” Lucifer said, his voice now a low growl. He slammed the door shut, making me jump a little, and hastily locked the door.

  “Yes?” I asked, as innocently as I could make my voice sound.

  “Get your hand off yourself this instant!”

  The force of anger and dominance in his tone had me obeying instantly, even as it increased my arousal and excitement.

  “Yes, Captain,” I murmured.

  He hung up his cutlass and belt on the wall, and set aside his varied other weapons. Then he crossed to the bed. I’d let my hand fall to the side and it lay motionless on the bed beside my hip.

  “Cedric, you are utterly impossible,” Lucifer growled. “Tell me what you want, again. Tell me out loud.”

  I swallowed, the wide world opening up in front of me - something told me whatever I asked for now, I’d get it from him. His eyes pierced mine and pinned me to the bed, powerless under his aura of command but free to ask for my heart’s desire.

  “I want you to kiss me and fuck me and tie me up and make me suck you and have you suck me and honestly anything you’re into, I want to try because you’re absolutely gorgeous,” I said, my worlds almost falling over each other in my hurry to say it all at once.

  “Oh for fuck’s sake,” Lucifer breathed. “You’re going to keep on doing all of these ridiculous things unless I bed you, aren’t you?”

  “Yes.” I nodded. “I really do want you, and... And I think you want me too.”

  He took a breath in through his nose and let it out in one whoosh. “Yes. Tell me what you want once more.”

  I licked my lips. “I want you to kiss me, fuck me, and … just a whole lot of other stuff too.”

  “Ask nicely, say please,” he growled.

  “Please, Captain Lucifer, will you please fuck me?” I felt goose pimples spring up over my arms as I spoke, I was trembling and needy and desperately wanting this to work.

  In an instant he was on me, his mouth on mine, demanding and passionate.

  His hands found my wrists and wrenched them up over my head, pinning me to the mattress as he settled his body on top of mine, pushing my legs apart and pressing his hardness against mine. Naked as I was, his trousers produced extra friction on me and I moaned loudly, closing my eyes and taking everything he was giving me.

  He broke the kiss and looked deep into my eyes. “Be quiet,” he hissed.

  “I can’t promise anything,” I said, smiling. I squirmed under him, tugging against the hold he had on my arms and groaning again at the sensation of his weight on me.

  He pressed harder against me until the groan cut off into a gasp. I leaned up a little to kiss his jaw, a tiny growth of stubble scraped my lips and I smiled against his skin, kissing my way to his ear and gently bit his earlobe.

  He gathered both my wrists into one hand and pressed them down. “Stay still,” he said.

  Then he sat up and stripped off his shirt. Some contrary part of me wanted to touch him, to wrap myself around him and lose myself utterly in sensations, but then I didn’t want to make him regret his decision. I stayed where he’d put me, watching and salivating as he went to his knees and shoved his trousers done. He reached over me and retrieved a small pot of coconut oil.

  He sat on his heels and looked me over. I felt exposed, beautiful and vulnerable. I felt desired as well, which was really my favourite thing to feel in the world.

  His expression was hungry, appreciative, and he took his time raking his gaze over my chest, arms, face, stomach and then down.

  His hands hooked under my knees and pressed them to my chest, exposing me to him in the most intimate way.

  “Hold those there,” he said. I lifted my arms then, and wrapped them around my knees, holding them in place.

  “Good pup,” he murmured and I flushed at the praise.

  He dipped his fingers into the oil and dripped it over my hole, making me jump. He grinned and started to tease at me, pushing his fingers in before I was properly relaxed. I moaned, enjoying the sharpness of the sensation, the push of his fingers against my body and feeling myself stretch.

  “God, yes, just like that,” I groaned.

  “I’m going to gag you in a minute,” Lucifer said, but he sounded more amused than annoyed, and there was a delightful rasp to his voice now.

  “You can,” I said. “I’m into….ohhhhh…” My moan turned into a whine as he pushed through the tight muscle and opened me up. His fingers expertly navigating my anatomy until I was shaking with need.

  “Not tonight,” he whispered. “Just want to feel you tonight. Now… relax, will you?”

  I breathed out
and tried to relax, but it was damn hard with his fingers inside me, wiggling and teasing inside me.

  “That’s it, nearly…” he shifted closer and withdrew his fingers, pressing the tip of his cock against me instead, slicking himself with more oil as he got into position.

  “Please, for the love of God,” I begged, trying to push myself against him but finding it difficult with my legs up.

  “Wrong deity,” he said, grinning wickedly. I opened my mouth to tell him I wasn’t going to plead with Satan, but then he pressed into me and my mind was lost to words.

  “Yes, more,” I gasped. He thrust his hips forward with a sharp movement and stretched me open with his impressive girth. It was like being given water after a week in the desert, or having dinner after a day of fasting. “More.”

  He grunted and shoved his hips hard against me. “Such a wanton boy, aren’t you? Begging me for it like a whore.”

  I lost the grip on my knees and my legs slipped down either side of his hips. The change in angle resulted in even deeper penetration and I moaned as wantonly as the whore Lucifer had called me.

  I wrapped my legs around him, hooking my ankles together behind his thighs and reached up to wind my arms around his neck.

  He started to thrust in earnest then, his head dipping down to bite at my jaw and throat as I hung on and took it.

  “Yes, yes, more,” I panted, not needing any further words at that time.

  The handsome pirate captain obliged me, and pounded me soundly into the bed. He had impressive stamina, and I found myself longing for a hand on my cock, but I was enjoying holding onto Lucifer too much to let go. And I’d lost words beyond more.

  My world narrowed to the feel of his glorious cock inside me and my own racing heart beat.

  I was vaguely aware of Lucifer gasping and mumbling words. One of them was definitely ‘Cedric’ and I nearly came simply from hearing that, but I didn’t dare until Lucifer had got his pleasure.